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academicIf your issue is:  
I have been absent from lectures/exams or intend to be away, what should I do?

If this is the case, you must email your module leaders. Please remember to let them know when you have returned to your studies.

You can also see: 
Rules and Regulations on the Policies page

Academic Regulations

academicIf your issue is:
How is my degree calculated?

RAU Academic Regulations are available from the RAU website.

Academic Support Tutor

I don't know who my Academic Support Tutor is!

You should have received an email early in the semester from your Academic Support Tutor to introduce themselves. They will also invite you to Student Training Sessions and a catch-up over lunch so check your student email account to make sure you haven't missed anything. 

If you still feel you don't know who your Personal Tutor is contact Student Support Services on who will be able to help. 


Iinformationf your issue is: 

I'm not happy with my room on campus!

Visit the Accommodation Office or you can e-mail Someone will arrange to meet with you to discuss the options.  

If the above does not answer your question, you could try:
You can also get advice from Student Support Services.

If you're looking for alternative accommodation, you can try:


healthIf your issue is:
I have ADD or ADHD – who should I tell, what help can I get?

Let the University know as far in advance as possible. You can contact the Disability and Inclusive Learning Advisor  using An appointment will be offered to discuss what adjustments are possible.

You can also see:
The RAU Dyslexia and Disability page on Gateway and on the RAU website.

If the above does not answer your question, you could try:


problemIf your Issue is: 
I think I may be addicted to alcohol/drugs/gambling/other.

Visit the Student Support Services Hub where staff will be able to provide advice and resources to help you. Getting help early is important.

You can also see:
The Student Support page on Gateway


problemIf your Issue is:
I think I am drinking too much. Do I have an addiction? What can I do?

Visit the Student Support Services Hub where staff will be able to provide advice and resources to help you. Seeking help early is important, even if it doesn't get more serious. 

You can also see:
The Student Support page on Gateway


healthIf your Issue is:
I am always on edge. I feel anxious all the time. What should I do?

Visit the Student Support Services Hub in the Emrys Jones Centre where staff will be able to provide advice and resources to help you. Community Assistants are also based in The Hub and they are there to help you settle in.

You can also see:
The Student Support page on Gateway

If the above does not answer your question, you could try:

Asperger’s / Autism

healthIf your issue is:
I have Asperger’s or am on the Autistic spectrum – who should I tell, what help can I get?

Let the University know as far in advance as possible. You can contact the Disability and Inclusive Learning Advisor Rebecca Reynolds using An appointment will be arranged to discuss what adjustments are possible.

You can also see:
The RAU Dyslexia and Disability page on Gateway and on the RAU website:

If the above does not answer your question, you could try:

ATM (Cash Point)

infoIf your Issue is: 
I need to get cash out and it's currently 
out of hours.


There is an ATM on campus. See the Campus Plan (George Wing)

You can also see:

NOTE: At the current time, card only payments will be accepted on campus. 


academicIf your Issue is:
I think my attendance record might be wrong.

Please contact who will be able to help you.

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