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infoIf your Issue is:
How can I get a parcel delivered to me?

All letters and parcels are delivered to the Porters Lodge. You will receive an e-mail from the Lodge if you have a parcel. There is also a post box on site for outgoing letters. 


infoIf your Issue is:
How do I get a parking space?

There are no individually reserved spaces on campus. You can apply for a parking permit by using the on-line parking application portal during self-registration or by visiting the Estates Office situated in Old House. Parking is on a first come first served basis and is not guaranteed.

You can also see:
Please try walking into Uni; many student housing areas are closer than you might think.


infoIf your Issue is:
Can I bring my dog into RAU?

Animals are not allowed inside University buildings.  You can check the Student Handbook for details. There is also a Code of Conduct for Animals.

Should you need to bring a support dog with you to University, please contact to discuss the process.


academicIf your Issue is:

My originality score is 35%. Should I be worried?


The originality score on Turnitin is a measure of how similar your work is to other work already submitted to Turnitin or existing on the internet. The Turnitin score may appear high if you have used a template cover sheet, or if you have included a large number of references and Turnitin has included these in its report. But these would not be a worrying contribution to your Turnitin score.    

Turnitin will also detect if you have copied, or copied and only slightly changed, content from another source.  This is generally not what you should be including in your submitted work.  In some cases, it may be appropriate to quote directly the words used by a previous author.  However, this is only the correct approach if the words themselves are of significance, not just the sense the author was conveying. 

In all other cases, you should reword the previous author’s work to demonstrate that you have understood it, and to embed it in to your essay or dissertation.  All references to previous work should be fully referenced in the text and in your reference list. 

For further information consult the Turnitin Plagiarism Checker on the Gateway Homepage, and see the Library’s Guide to APA Referencing on the Library page:

The secret to avoiding plagiarism is making good notes in your own words, and referencing!


problemIf your Issue is:
I'm in trouble with the police

Your Academic Support Tutor is available to talk to you or you can visit Student Support Services for help. 


infoIf your Issue is:
Can I send recorded delivery from campus? 

Visit Porters Lodge where they will be able to assist you. There is also a post box onsite for sending outgoing letters.


problemIf your Issue is:
I think I may be pregnant - where can I go for help?

See Health / Medical Centre. Also visit Student Support Services Hub where you will be able to talk to someone impartial and in confidence.

You can also see:

Another link you can try is:


infoIf your Issue is:
How can I print from my laptop?

If you have any issues please contact the IT Service Desk in person in the Library Foyer, by phone on 01285 889 841 or by email at (open Monday to Friday from 8:30am - 5:30pm).

Programme Manager

academicIf your Issue is: 
I can't talk to my Module Leader. Who is my Programme Manager?

Whilst you might feel you can't talk to your Module Leader about a matter, it is always best to try if you can, if only out of respect. If you find that your Module Leader is not open to your problem or difficulty, then please do raise it with the Programme Manager. You can find out who this is on your Programme Gateway Page or ask at the Student Hub. You may also want to mention this to your Academic Support Tutor.

Public transport

infoPlease see Travel.