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Credit card bill

problemIf your Issue is:
I can't pay my credit card bill.

Please email who will be able to advise you. 

You can also see:

Credit card has expired and I have a recurring card payment plan

problemIf your Issue is:
The credit card I use to  pay for tuition fees has expired.


If you have set up a recurring card payment to pay your accommodation, tuition or other fees and your card has changed or expired you will need to update your card details before the next instalment is due to be collected. 

You can update your card details at any time online by selecting the update card details option from either the student portal and following the instructions. This will ask for an email address and validate this on any active recurring card payment plan and send an authentication email to that email address. The authentication email will list all plans linked to that email with a unique link for you to update your card.

Alternatively visit the Finance Office in George Wing in person.  Never send an email containing your card details.

Cyber Bullying

problemIf your Issue is:
I'm being roasted on social media.

Your Academic Support Tutor is available to talk to or you can visit Student Support Services for help. The IT Service Desk is also available for advice on blocking messages.

If you have any IT issues please contact the IT Service Desk in person in the Library Foyer, by phone on 01285 889 841 or by email at (open Monday to Friday from 8:30am - 5:30pm).

You can also see:
The Student Support page on Gateway

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